Usually, an airstill wash takes approximately 7- 10 days.
This is greatly affected by the ambient temperature, so be sure to store the wash, out of direct sunlight at around 18°C-24°C (64°F-75°F).
To determine if it is complete, check the SG (specific gravity) (this reading is taken with a hydrometer) has been stable for 2 consecutive days, you are aiming for an SG reading of 0.990 for the best results.
Why does the wash smell like rotten eggs?
The airlock isn't always the best way to determine the fermentation activity So, if you find that it isn't bubbling, it doesn't mean that the wash isn't fermenting. If you open the lid and check the wash is bubbling, that is an indicator that the process has started. Within 24 hours, carbon dioxide should start bubbling through the airlock, as long as everything is working correctly and if the fermenter is sealed properly.
Fermentation can take as little as 3 days if you are using a fast-acting yeast and the temperature is ideal. In cooler weather it can take up to 7 - 14 days.
For the first 24 – 48 hours, heat is generated by the fermentation process. After this period a heat pad or heat belt can be used in cooler weather to maintain the temperature. Do not use a heat pad/heat belt in the first 24 – 48 hours.
Going forward if you cannot see anything bubbling, check to make sure the seals are tightened properly.
During Fermentation yeast produces alcohol, co2, and hundreds of other byproducts which have different smells Some pleasant, others not so pleasant - like rotten egg or sulphur smell.
This will not taint your distilled spirit and will disappear after distillation. Carbon filtration will further remove those unwanted smells.
Why isn't my airlock bubbling?
The airlock isn't always the best way to determine fermentation activity So, if you find that it isn't bubbling, it doesn't mean that the wash isn't fermenting. If you open the lid and check the wash is bubbling, that is an indicator that the process has started. Within 24 hours, carbon dioxide should start bubbling through the airlock, as long as everything is working correctly and if the fermenter is sealed properly.
Fermentation can take as little as 3 days if you are using a fast-acting yeast and the temperature is ideal. In cooler weather it can take up to 7 - 14 days.
For the first 24 – 48 hours, heat is generated by the fermentation process. After this period a heat pad or heat belt can be used in cooler weather to maintain the temperature. Do not use a heat pad/heat belt in the first 24 – 48 hours.
Going forward if you cannot see anything bubbling, check to make sure the seals are tightened properly.
Cleaning the Air Still
The best way to clean the Air Still is to run a water distillation through it, You don't need to worry about taking anything apart, or doing anything else!
Why is the Air Still lid lifting during distillation?
The reason why your lid is lifting during distillation, is the foaming that is disrupting the lid seal, To avoid this, ensure the lid seal is properly fitted and in good condition and ensure the seal is completely dry before use.
Also, make sure your wash has finished fermenting before distilling it as the unfermented sugars in the wash cause excess foaming.
Another thing to add to reduce the foaming, would be Distilling Conditioner and/or Boil Enhancers.